What is woodshed jazz band experience?
This experience was created as a collaborative effort between emerging jazz musicians and emerging jazz tap dancers alongside world renowned mentors in an environment that encourages excellence, opportunity, and community.
Created especially for the serious musician looking for emersion into the jazz world, this experience will dive into the complexities of the processes and techniques of their mentors and develop relationships that will last a lifetime.
Week long residency with your Mentor
Classes throughout the week with all musicians
Discovery classes
Performance sharing opportunities
Time to explore Blue Ridge Mountain Camp
7 days and 6 nights of lodging in Hibbard Hall where we will have our own building
All meals while at camp
Shuttle transport to and from Asheville airport (times are restricted)
Woodshed T
Relationships and experiences with elements within the jazz world that will last a lifetime
The relationship of the tap dancer and the jazz musician
Creating pieces of music alongside tap dancers
Strong focus on improvisation and developing your own voice as a tap dancer
There exists an untapped opportunity to work alongside other aspiring musicians…tap dancers! Like jazz musicians, they are based out of an American historical art form, jazz standard based, and with an emphasis on improvisation. This combination of artists is an area that is emerging as a popular form across the nation.
While at Woodshed, musicians will have the opportunity to play in concerts inside the theaters and in the great outdoors! Also, Woodshed is a collaborative effort with RIFF Dallas, which is an annual jazz tap festival in Dallas, Texas. At this event each year, an upscale professional concert is presented with world class professional tap dancers and our RIFF Dallas band. We are currently looking to work with emerging jazz musicians alongside this program and concert. Student work from last year’s Woodshed Experience had the opportunity to present their pieces at the 2021 concert at The Eisemann Theater. This is a critically acclaimed show that each year brings jazz and tap to the forefront of the Dallas scene.