Woodshed Elective Options
This year we are offering new elective choices for our Woodshed attendees. We have 5 amazing courses that we are so excited to share with you! Each attendee will be allowed 2 ELECTIVES. Please complete the form to let us know your elective preferences.
Here’s a list of our electives and a brief description. Please note if any materials need to be brought with you.
Musicality & Musicians
This course will dive into the complexities of music and song structure and will give tap dancers the knowledge they will need to work with live musicians.
Materials: Journal to be provided
Body Percussion
This course will provide technqiues used to implement unique sounds and structures into your tap dancing using body percussion. A basic history of body percussion will also be discussed.
Materials: Sneakers and tap shoes required
Tap History
This course looks at the history of the beginnings of the dance along with key players that have shaped and influenced the trajectory of tap dance along with the tap masters of today.
Materials: Workbook to be provided
Creating Tap on Film
This course will provide practical information on filming tap dance including scouting locations, set up, story boards, and more. Optional equipment, but not required to bring: Go Pro, tripod, etc.
Materials: Camera required (smart phones will work great!) and laptop recommended for editing purposes
Branding and Personal Website Building
This course will look at the opportunities that creating a brand can offer and will start you on a path of developing your own personal webiste while looking at both positives and things to avoid.
Materials: Laptop is preferred but can take the course for concepts